Currently, Zest Consult GRE class is in two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 is the Freshers’
Class, and Phase 2 is the Supplementary Class.
In Phase 1 (Freshers’ ‘Class), our GRE class comes in two forms: *Online class and (Physical)
weekend class.
In Phase 2 (Supplementary Class), our GRE class comes in one form: an online supplementary
We take you through the content of the GRE by teaching you the GRE concept. We teach you about
the Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning of the GRE. We teach you about
examiners' expectations and how to answer your questions to obtain your desired score. We use eight
weeks for this phase.
Regarding our Freshers’ Class:
- Our Online Class is held on Zoom from Mondays to Wednesdays (7 pm to 9 pm), and we make
available the recorded version of each day’s online lectures for you to access.
- Our Physical Weekend Class is held in a classroom, and it is held on Saturdays at our Dichemso
premises from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm with two 30-minute intermittent breaks.
We engage you with practice by giving you a lot of practice materials to use for your practice. We also
conduct periodic mock tests to assess your performance and help you to know your progress. There is
a fee for the mock tests. It is 50 cedis per mock test for our clients/students and 100 cedis for external
students per mock. Because your success largely depends on practice, this phase centres around
practice. We discuss mock tests, revise techniques, and encourage you to keep practising. You can
stay in this class for a maximum of eight weeks. You can use a shorter duration if you so desire.
Regarding our Supplementary Class:
Our Supplementary Class is strictly online and is held on Zoom on Thursdays and Fridays (7 pm to 9
pm). A recorded version of each day’s lesson is made available for you to access.
Zest Consult GRE Mock is a simulation test designed to mimic the Educational Testing Service (ETS)
exams with two purposes. The first is to imbibe in our students the “do’s and don’ts” of the main test,
and the second is to offer clients an opportunity to have a formal assessment of their practice after the
eight weeks of tuition received at Freshers’ Class to monitor their performance and readiness to take
the main exams.
The test is conducted three times in a month and it is an online mock test. The mock test is done either
on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. Students will get to see their scores for Verbal Reasoning and
Quantitative Reasoning right after they are done with the test. An official score will be released after
seven (7) days of taking the test (scores for Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical
Writing). Questions of tests are thoroughly discussed in the online supplementary classes.